The Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) implemented a series of leadership trainings. They resulted in the formation of 10 young farmers’ committees at the national level, and one at the regional level. It has enabled their representation at national and regional events, and has supported start-up agri-enterprises in different countries.

The Pastoral Women’s Council (PWC) is an organisation of indigenous pastoralist women, who worked with traditional leaders and local governments to raise awareness about women’s land rights. Due to these efforts, 1,200 women have received plots of land from their vill age governments.

The number of land and environmental defenders being criminalised has increased in recent years, particularly in Latin America. Trócaire works with communities to secure their land and resource rights.

Lentamente Societá Cooperativa Agricola has reclaimed and rehabilitated abandoned land and has established an urban social farm in the province of Benevento. Lentamente uses social farming as an innovative tool to respond to the socio-economic challenges faced by the local community.

The Community Self-Reliance Centre (CSRC) facilitated the identification, verification and recording of an informal land rights model. Using the model, four local governments identified 18,400 landless households and 79,344 households with informal land tenure. As of December 2021, CSRC has facilitated the issuing of 25,496 temporary land certificates for informal and landless families.

Through ECOLEX, a participatory process was carried out to promote territorial governance. It resulted in a declaration creating the Mojanda Conservation and Sustainable Use Area, which will help to conserve the ecosystem and maintain water sources that supply about 200,000 people.

Feel free to contact us at any time to learn more about the upcoming Global Land Forum. Please do note that our team is working hard but we are still in the process of gathering logistical and practical details.