Lead organization
Dana and DQLCC
Mount Dana
Moderate 3/5
rural youth, climate change
ILC member, Dana and Qadisiyah Local Community Cooperative (DQLCC) is preserving the cultural and natural heritage of the Reserve by empowering young people and women from the community, preserving the Hima methods (traditional land and natural resources management), promoting the Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas method of conservation (ICCA’s ‘Territories of Life’) and supporting the development of local projects such as handicraft and ecotourism.
On this field visit, you will learn about customary land ownership and the challenges of traditional land management, ICCAs land conservation methods. You will discuss the complexities of creating and managing a biosphere reserve and how to promote youth engagement to combat unemployment.
Lead organization
Hima Bani Hashem and Surrah
Easy 2 /5
climate change, partnership building
On this field visit, you will learn about the Hima approach and PRAGA (Participatory Rangeland and Grassland Assessment) methodology, how to collectively protect, improve and develop rangelands’ natural resources, and foster long-term rangelands management partnerships between pastoral communities and governments.
Lead organization
Mansoura in Bani Kinana
Easy 2 /5
women’s equal rights, partnership building
On this field visit you will learn about strategies to support local women’s initiatives around land and water, sustainable tourism for economic growth and the preservation of cultural heritage and natural resources.
Lead organization
SEEDS Jordan
Moderate 3/5
peace building, partnership building
SEEDS is working to strengthen the resilience of Syrian refugees in Jordan, empowering them to secure their land access and land-based livelihoods, and to develop farming skills to ensure their food security and livelihoods. Their support also extends to building schools, providing shelter, water, electricity and paid jobs on host farms.
On this field visit you will learn strategies for the coexistence between refugees and hosting communities and how to transform burden into opportunities

Lead organization
Greater Amman Municipality
City of Amman
Easy 2/ 5
Climate change; decentralization
On this field visit you will learn GAM’s participatory approach to increase and rehabilitate public green areas in greater urban Amman together with local community involvement, and how to face urban sprawl in a social and environmentally sustainable way.